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Dr. V. E. Annamalai
Dr. V. E. Annamalai, is a Ph.D. in cutting tools from IIT Madras, with a background in Mechanical Engineering. His total experience spans 33 years – 16 years in industry and seventeen years in teaching. He has around 60 international journal publications, 30 conference presentations and 8 patents to his credit. He established the Industry Institute Partnership Cell at SSN College of Engineering (SSN CE), sponsored by AICTE.
Prior to joining academics, Dr. V.E. Annamalai was Vice President Technology at Carborundum Universal Ltd, Thiruvottiyur, a unit of Murugappa Group. During his 16 years as Head of R&D in industry, he handled product development and process management. During this period, he practiced TRIZ (Innovative Problem Solving).
As part of technology transfer assignments, he has traveled to countries like USA, UK, China, Russia, South Africa and Singapore.
He was the Chairman of Abrasives Sectional Committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards, for two terms. He has also been on the Syllabus Committee of Anna University, Anna University of Technology and Annamalai University. He has been with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at SSN CE since 2009, heading it since 2010.
Currently Dr. V.E. Annamalai is a member of the Manufacturing Panel of CII Chennai Region, for the past 4 years.
A Corporate Trainer on Creativity, Innovation and TRIZ, Product development, etc. A Certified Trainer on Corporate Social Responsibility (certified by Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, MHRD).